A02: Knowledge-based Navigated Liver Surgery
The aim of this project is to develop a knowledge-based assistance system to aid the surgeon in planning and performing complex liver procedures. It will take into account the relevant clinical and morphological parameters as well as well-established oncological standards. A sensor-based registration of the preoperative planning data, including the patient’s anatomy, should further enable the surgeon to perform the planned surgical procedure safely, thereby improving the clinical outcome in terms of remnant liver volume and liver function.
Our Team
März K, Hafezi M, Weller T, Saffari A, Nolden M, Fard N, Majlesara A, Zelzer S, Maleshkova M, Volovyk M, Gharabaghi N, Wagner M, Emami G, Engelhardt S, Fetzer A, Kenngott H, Rezai N, Rettinger A, Studer R, Mehrabi A, Maier-Hein L. "Toward knowledge-based liver surgery: holistic information processing for surgical decision support." International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 1–11. doi:10.1007/s11548-015-1187-0. |
Maier-Hein L, Kondermann D, Roß T, Mersmann S, Heim E, Bodenstedt S, Kenngott HG, Sanchez A, Wagner M, Preukschas A, Wekerle A-L, Helfert S, März K, Mehrabi A, Speidel S, Stock C. "Crowdtruth Validation: A New Paradigm for Validating Algorithms That Rely on Image Correspondences." International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, April 2015, 1–12. doi:10.1007/s11548-015-1168-3. |
Winterstein A, März K, Franz AM, Hafezi M, Fard N, Sterzing F, Mehrabi A, Maier-Hein L. "Navigated marker placement for motion compensation in radiotherapy." In Proc. SPIE 9415, Medical Imaging 2015: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling, 94151K doi:10.1117/12.2081808. |
Golriz M, Majlesara A, El Sakka S, Ashrafi M, Arwin J, Fard N, Raisi H, Edalatpour A, Mehrabi A. "Small for Size and Flow (SFSF) Syndrome: An Alternative Description for Posthepatec-tomy Liver Failure." Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology. 2015. doi:10.1016/j.clinre.2015.06.024. |
Franz AM, Schmitt D, Seitel A, Chatrasingh M, Echner G, Oelfke U, Nill S, Birkfellner W, and Maier-Hein L. "Standardized Accuracy Assessment of the Calypso Wireless Tran-sponder Tracking System." Physics in Medicine and Biology 59, no. 22 (2014): 6797. doi:10.1088/0031-9155/59/22/6797. |
dos Santos TR, Seitel A, Kilgus T, Suwelack S, Wekerle A-L, Kenngott H, Speidel S, Schlemmer H-P, Meinzer H-P, Heimann T, Maier-Hein L. "Pose-independent surface matching for intra-operative soft-tissue marker-less registration." Medical Image Analysis 18, 1101–1114. doi:10.1016/j.media.2014.06.002 |
Maier-Hein L, Groch A, Bartoli A, Bodenstedt S, Boissonnat G, Chang PL, Clancy NT, Elson DS, Haase S, Heim E, Hornegger J, Jannin P, Kenngott H, Kilgus T, Müller-Stich B, Oladokun D, Röhl S, Dos Santos TR, Schlemmer HP, Seitel A, Speidel S, Wagner M, Stoyanov D. "Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techniques for Laparoscopic 3-D Surface Reconstruction." IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2014 Oct;33(10):1913-30 |
März K, Franz AM, Seitel A, Winterstein A, Bendl R, Zelzer S, Nolden M, Meinzer H-P, und Maier-Hein L. "MITK-US: Real-Time Ultrasound Support within MITK." International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (Special Issue: Best BVM Papers 2013) 9, Nr. 3: 411–20. |
Maier-Hein L, Mersmann S, Kondermann D, Bodenstedt S, Sanchez A, Stock C, Kenngott HG, Eisenmann M, Speidel S. "Can masses of non-experts train highly accurate image classifiers? A crowdsourcing approach to instrument segmentation in laparoscopic images." In Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2014, 17(Pt 2):438-45. |
März K, Franz AM, Seitel A, Winterstein A, Hafezi M, Saffari A, Bendl R, Stieltjes B, Meinzer HP, Mehrabi A, Maier-Hein L. "Interventional Real-Time Ultrasound Imaging with an Inte-grated Electromagnetic Field Generator." International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 9, Nr. 5: 759–68. |